Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lots of Talking

I cannot believe just how much Gwendolyn is talking these days. She has so many new words that I can no longer keep track. Gordon and I find ourselves telling eachother about 'new words' that the other one has already heard. She seems to pick them up so quickly.

Gwennie also enjoys just chattering away in her own little language. It is especially cute when she 'reads' a book to herself. If I am reading a book to her, she seems to especially enjoy books with a sing-songy rhyme, like a Dr. Seuss book. And when she reads to herself she seems to be using a similar sing-songy voice. We managed to get a little video of Gwennie 'reading' a book, so here it is:

Gwendolyn reads a book to herself from Stephanie Allen on Vimeo.