Thursday, March 6, 2008

Music to a Mamamama's ears

Gordon has been on parental leave since I went back to work on February 19th. He is taking the last four months of the leave up until he goes back to work on June 16th. Gwennie had just started a few weeks prior to that to have separation anxiety and clinginess issues. This is apparently a very normal thing for her age. But she was very focussed on her Mom, occasionally crying if Dad tried to hold her when she wanted Mom. Well, now that her Dad is spending weekdays with her she has become a lot more Dad-focussed. This is a good thing really. It's good for her not to be so dependant on just me. But it's a little bit sad for me too. There are times when I am holding her now that she reaches her arms out for Daddy instead...sigh!

Gwen has also been saying "Dada" - - or "Dadadada..." a lot more. We think she's starting to get the idea of Gordon being Dada, and often when Gordon says "Hi Gwen!" she will answer with "Hi Da". So cute.

With all of this going on, and the little time I get to spend with her during the week, it can feel a little bit like I'm missing out. But last night when I got home I felt a little bit more needed. After I picked her up and held her for a bit, I started to pass her to her Dad so I could get cleaned up. But she was having none of it. She reached back for me, and said "Mamamama!" Awww. Of course I had to hold her a little while longer before getting cleaned up.

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