Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sleep - The more she gets the better she sleeps!

What a fantastic 24 hours it has been for Gwennie sleep-wise! The girl is normally a relatively decent night sleeper - - although she's usually up at least once for some food. But she's not a great napper overall, and sometimes has days where she doesn't nap at all. Occasionally she'll go the other end of the spectrum and have a 3+ hour nap, but that is very very rare. More common are two short naps of somewhere in the neighbourhood of a half hour - - usually less. But yesterday was a great day. She woke up shortly before 9am, after having only woken up at 3am through the night. Then she had two really good-sized naps through the day. I believe the first was a good hour, and the second around that as well.

The evening was even better. Gwendolyn usually goes down to sleep between 9pm and 10pm. Last night she was in dreamland by 8:45pm. But here's the best part...her first wake up for food was after 6am! She went right back to sleep too, although I have yet to find out for how long, as she was asleep when I left for work.

We think the fresh air and sunshine is making a difference, since we've started to have actual spring weather. Yesterday she didn't even need a warm coat on her walk. But we also noticed that she flipped onto her stomach to sleep. She seems to sleep longer that way - - which seems to be pretty common. I remember that cousin Emily prefers stomach sleeping, and I believe that buddy Tia seems to sleep longer that way too.

To finish off the post, here are a couple of 'fountainhead' pictures, just for fun. Enjoy!

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